Henrys Lake Foundation
Our mission is to protect and conserve fish and fish habitat in Henrys Lake, Idaho and its watershed.
The Henrys Lake Foundation would like to capture the ideas and opinions of stakeholders like you so that we can re-establish Henrys Lake as the best still water fishery in the western United States. Stakeholders are defined as those with a vested interest in the fishery of Henrys Lake. Our plan is to share the stakeholder suggestions with the greatest benefit to the fishery with the Idaho Department of Fish & Game. All ideas and comments are most welcome. Please click on the link below to take the survey.
The Projects

Our projects aim to improve catch rate, increase natural cutthroat reproduction, enhance hatchery production, and improve water quality. Learn more about our past and present projects.
The Members

Become a member! We are a small but influential organization that is completely dedicated to preserving the Henrys Lake fishery.
The Fish

Learn more about the fish of Henrys Lake. Species include brook trout, hybrid trout, cutthroat trout, as well as non-game species.
Henrys Lake Foundation has a rich history spanning nearly four decades! Check out our newsletter archive.
Make a Difference
Be a part of something that will help protect what you have enjoyed for years.
News & Info
Stay informed with HLF news. This page also contains links to useful information about Henrys Lake, including webcams, water levels, and weather.

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