Become a Member
Become a member of the Henrys Lake Foundation. We are a small but influential organization that is completely dedicated to preserving the Henrys Lake fishery.
Your membership matters! Our sponsorship dollars directly support projects to protect the fishery and habitat. Be a part of something that will help protect what you have enjoyed for years—world-class lake fishing for hybrid, cutthroat and brook trout.
Thanks to the Henrys Lake Foundation, culverts have been installed under Highway 87 for Targhee and Howard creeks, greatly aiding the migration of spawning fish. We’re participating in several projects around the lake to restore vital fish habitat, including restoring late-season flows to the Duck Creek watershed. More recently we’ve entered into our first collaboration with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to do the most extensive scientific study our lake has ever had. Your sponsorship makes projects like these possible.
We are only as strong as our membership.
Henrys Lake Foundation is a nonprofit corporation, 501(c) 3, IRS # 820372189. Your donation is tax deductible pursuant to IRS rules governing charitable contributions.
Membership Options
$35 Individual membership
annual renewal
$50 Family membership
annual renewal
$500 Lifetime membership *includes HLF Signature Fly Rod from TFO!
To join…
- Complete membership form below
- Select payment type
- Henrys Lake Foundation
- PO Box 319
- Island Park, ID 83429
- [email protected]